..:: Tubesonic Line::..
Continuous Tubular Ultrasonic Cleaning.
Bisonic system: 25 and 40 Khz.
2800 Watts of Ultrasonic Power.
Recirculation with Filtration.
Automatic Level Control.
Continuous Spray Rinse System.
Heating from 50 to 60º C.
Works in conjunction with GUS-2800 LI Generators.
Continuous Tubular Ultrasonic Cleaning Equipment for the application of Cleaning in yarns and rebar that need a perfect cleaning for suitability in Later Processes.
Used in industries of electrical cables, cables for telecommunications, among other applications.
Tubular Ultrasonic Cleaning is patent from CTA do Brasil.
It was developed from the technology of the CTA do Brasil in designing and building special transducers.
The application is made in the extension of stainless tubes and pipes of 2.5 to 10 ".
Provides microscopic cleaning on the inside of the Pipes through external action.
It eliminates the need to use Aggressive Chemicals.
Biodegradable Detergents are used.
They allow facilities for the company to comply with the ISO 14000 Environmental Quality standard.